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Help required!

It’s time to admit it, Tapsalteerie needs help. I simply don’t have enough spare time to do everything that could be done. So I’m shining whatever the poetry equivalent of the bat-signal is into the crisp, clear Aberdeenshire night sky. If the idea of getting involved in a Scottish poetry micro-press tickles your fancy then read on below.

About Tapsalteerie

Set up in 2013 by Duncan Lockerbie, Tapsalteerie is publisher of well-designed poetry pamphlets based in rural Aberdeenshire. We produce a variety of different types of poetry written in Scots, English and occasionally Gaelic. See our past publications.

What help do I need?

Well… really I’m looking for someone who’s willing to get stuck into whatever we’ve got going on. Mostly it’ll be the day-to-day running of a wee press: helping to promote the pamphlets, organise events, respond to emails, update the website, write blog entries and keep the social media ticking over. There will also be the opportunity to get involved in the design and production of the pamphlets, as well as the commissioning of new publications.

How will it work?

Seeing as we don’t really have an office most of the work will be done remotely, with the occasional in-person meeting when necessary. The expectation is that you’ll be doing this alongside your regular work, as I do, because unfortunately there’s no money involved (you’ll see why when you come on board!). It won’t be anything formal – no contract or anything like that – we’ll just run it for an initial period of six months and review things regularly to make sure you’re happy with what you’re getting out of it.

So what do you get out of it?

Let’s make no bones about it, this isn’t a particularly attractive proposition I’m making: there’s no money, no time to do any work in and pretty much no perks of any kind… talking from experience though, somehow it always seems worth it. It’s a great joy to work with the quality poets I do, to see the publication you’ve been so intimately involved with make its way into the world. And Tapsalteerie is, actually, an up-and-coming publisher. I genuinely think I’ve been publishing some of the most interesting new poetry in Scotland.

Also, I actually can offer something in terms of experience and skills. The position can be tailored around your interests, so if you’re keen on learning particular aspects of the publishing process then we’ll make sure that’s what happens. Micro publishing gets you a good all round look at every aspect of the publishing business – something you won’t necessarily get elsewhere.


Aye, this might read like something of an internship. It’s nothing as official as that though. It might suit some students looking to get into the publishing business and it is a good way to get some practical experience of how it all works. However, I’ll be completely honest… if you’re looking for a job in one of the publishing centres such as London or Oxford, other placements at bigger publishing houses will be much more suitable for you. If you’re looking to plough your own furrow in Scotland however, maybe thinking about setting up your own wee press, then this is exactly what you’re looking for.

Essential requirements:

Love of poetry


How to apply

I’m not too interested in qualifications or even your past employment history. And no cvs please. Instead, please send us an email with a few wee paragraphs about yourself, giving some idea of your background and why you’re interested. Then please (briefly!) answer the following questions:

What poetry pamphlets/books have you recently enjoyed and why?

What is poetry?

Contact email address:

Deadline for applications: Friday 10 February

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